Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter in Syracuse

(On the right) The fire lane in front of my apartment complex. Notice the "No Parking" sign. Usually, there is about 4 feet of sign post.

(Below) Looking outside from my bedroom.

My car (below) is buried in snow. (Sadly, it won't start, so I couldn't go anywhere even if I wanted to. On the other hand, classes were cancelled this afternoon. Oh wait, I don't have any classes on Wednesdays. Where is the justice in that?)

My Internship

On a completely different note, some people have asked about my internship. I am working once a week at the Museum of Television and Radio in New York City. It's been a nice thing, to get out of the cold of Syracuse once a week. So far, I am enjoying working there - the people are really intelligent and friendly, and they have been giving me a lot of interesting work related to various documentaries and news topics. Last week, I wrote a promotional blurb for the William Paley Television Festival about one of this year's honored shows, Ugly Betty. I am hoping to do more entertainment-related work in the future, but I do love having access to MTR's amazing collection of documentaries.

MTR logo courtesy of the Museum of Television and Radio. Ugly Betty photo courtesy of Other photos were taken by me.

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