Did anyone out there know that '90's pop darlings, the Gin Blossoms, had a new album out? (It actually came out in August 2006, so I am totally behind on this one.) I thought they had gone to the historical abyss that swallowed up rock greats, Flickerstick, Candlebox, and the good version of REM, but it's not so.
The Gins' latest single, "Long Time Gone", sounds just like the upbeat, peppy fluff that they were known for back when I was in college. So for those of us that miss that old, time '90's sound, this alert's for you. If you're dying for a live fix of these guys, they are coming to a racetrack or casino near you in the next few months.
Naturally, once I was reminded of my college music indiscretions, I had to look up 'Stick and 'Box (mentioned above.)
It seems that Flickerstick has been touring regularly, and they have a live album coming out soon called "Live from Atlanta." If you have to pick a place to rock out from, that is really the best choice possible. Here's hoping that VH1 resurrects the Bands on the Run series that made those Dallas boys famous.
And of course, Candlebox has also been busy. They have also been touring heftily, and they have a live DVD coming out that was filmed in Seattle last September. I guess that's an ok music place...

As for the REM guys, I couldn't find anything on them. Ahem. But '70's rockers, America, have a new greatest hits album out called "Here and Now." You know you want it.